Please explore this website for resources related to this experience.
Web Links related to They Call Me Muslim
The Veil
A brief exploration of the complex topic of hijab and face-veiling in Islam
Why do Muslim women wear the hijab?
Eighteen year old Canadian Muslimah Sumayyah Hussein explains. (Followed by discussion points for young people.)
Understanding Turbans
Pictures and explanations of various types of headwear..
Veiled in Controversy
New concerns of girls and women about wearing distinctively Muslim garments.
For Teachers
Lesson Plans – religion & culture – Suppression or Liberation, Islam, Hijab & Modern Society
PBS Wide Angle lesson plans for grades 9-12.
Who Are the Arab Americans?
Downloadable lesson plan at Teaching Tolerance website
Media Connections
PBS Special Looks at Life for Young Muslims in America
Transcript and links to video & audio versions of article.
Understanding the Veil in Islam
Link to audio article, approximately eight minute segment.
Good for a classroom with computer access. A little more in-depth than the previous article.
And as always, you are welcome to comment on any of the posts by clicking on the highlighted "comments" link.
i enjoyed myself at the program.i learned what it was like in different countries.in france girls couldnt where hijabs to school and if they did,they were breaking the law.i think that people should be allowed to choose if they want to wear the hijab or not.there should be no law against wearing it or having to wear it.
Good post.
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