Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For Students!

Hi everyone!

I can't wait to meet all of you. As we prepare for your first field trip to the Wexner Center, I hope you all have been wading through all the resources and information on the blog. If you look to the right you'll find tons of information on the film and interesting things to read about as it relates to the film and the political process, including voting, getting involved, and having your say.

Mimi Chenfeld will be visiting your class in the coming days to talk about what gets you fired up! What are you passionate about? What would you like to see change in the world around you and what can you do to enact and/or support that change? What sorts of things are you doing now as teens to let your peers and the adults around you know that you have a voice and your thoughts, ideas, and opinions matter?

Let me know what you've been talking about in class.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Dionne Custer
Educator, School Programs
Wexner Center for the Arts


Anonymous said...

I like things that get you moving and involved with what is relevant to your class. This always help you brain to remember what was going on earlier that day and later in your life

-Myles Didlick

Anonymous said...

I had an English teacher as a freshman that really got me interested in our educational system. I really feel that how our schools are run is important, not only to me but to this entire country. This desire I have to right our educational system will definitely shape my decisions not only when it comes to a career, but also how I want to give back to my community.

Anonymous said...

I like things that get you moving and involved with what is relevant to your class. I find that lessons like what Mimi Chenfeld gave, stimulate my mind and gets me thinking more critically.

Anonymous said...

I like things that get you moving and involved with what is relevant to your class. I find that lessons like what Mimi Chenfeld gave, stimulate my mind and gets me thinking more critically.

Anonymous said...

I like things that get you moving and involved with what is relevant to your class. I find that lessons like what Mimi Chenfeld gave, stimulate my mind and gets me thinking more critically.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about making people think with their heads! What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong and no amount of dogmatic cannon can ever change that fact. I would like to see a world where everyone is free to see this and isn’t clouded by years of early childhood development in which they are not free to choose but are bound without consent to such things. I myself can do little to stop this but show people the moral error that such things evoke and hope that they can rationally see my point. No one should be told what to think especially if they are a child. When such a course of action is taken as to enforce any set of opinions onto an open and undeveloped mind then it becomes firmly engrained and is taking advantage of the open nature of the child. It makes it so that in later years that individual will not be capable of coming to a rational and uninfluenced decision about what they want for fear or attachment to ideas which were forced unto them at a vulnerable stage. ~Nathan, Metro High School

Anonymous said...

The things I am passionate about would be soccer, school, the arts, and chess. The change I would like to see in world probably be that technology is used for good purposes, but I don’t know if I can do much. I don’t abuse the laptop I have in front of me to do school work and try to set a good example, but changing people is difficult. “You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your sail.” As for my voice, I sometimes talk to my parents about politics to show that I do have a voice and opinions that matter, but politics don’t really interest me. At times there will be something interesting like the debates on gun control and abortion. These topics are interesting to me as they deal with philosophy and reason. ~Achal, Metro High School

roche1metro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mim, for your energy, kindness, and inspiration.

Ms. S's class, Metro

Anonymous said...

I’m passionate about a lot of things in my life. The three main things I am passionate about are my family, my friends, and sports. These three make up most of my daily life and without them I’m a turtle without its shell. And what I’ve noticed in the world we live in is that people don’t support the things they are passionate about or have feelings for. I think that people need to be more involved in their communities, social lives and help support the people, activities, etc. that they love being with or love to do.

Anonymous said...

I’m passionate about a lot of things in my life. The three main things I am passionate about are my family, my friends, and sports. These three make up most of my daily life and without them I’m a turtle without its shell. And what I’ve noticed in the world we live in is that people don’t support the things they are passionate about or have feelings for. I think that people need to be more involved in their communities, social lives and help support the people, activities, etc. that they love being with or love to do.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about having a better life for others and myself. I would like to see the change of world peace in the world because while it does not affect me that much, it affects a lot of other people in the world. I don’t exactly know what I could do to drastically support this change, but I know I could just be nicer to people than I am now.

Anonymous said...

I found the visit to be interesting.

Anonymous said...

I like how we got to talk about what we believe in and what we are passionate about. I am passionate about many things. One of which is music. I listen to a lot of music; it is a very important part of my life. Music is one of the best forms of expression because the singer is able to convey mood, feelings, etc. into one song because of all the different aspects of it (beat, pace, lyrics.) I am also passionate about politics, and my political views. Sometimes I can’t help but get into arguments sometimes because I am so passionate.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about my education and how far I can go with the education I acquire. I can also say that I am passionate about the arts and mainly dance. What I would like to see is more appreciation for both education and the arts. In education I’d like it if America solved the silent crisis of the failure of our students compared to the work of other kids. Right now I am supporting and helping this idea come to light.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about a lot of things; the top three of which are the environment, politics, and philosophy (which there is not really anything wrong with, I just like it). I would like to change the way we treat the environment and several parts about politics, especially politicians. The problems with these two are that the environment is going downhill and nothing gets done in politics. Some of the things we can do as teens are to write editorials to a paper, make flyer and brochures, as well as just talk to them. If we can get them to listen, they will realize our voice matter just as much as theirs.

Carl- Metro Student

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about peace in the world. Well one never really knows how to inflict change on the world but one must try. The way I think I could help put the world in a peaceful state of being could be to share my thoughts with more people around me and hope it spreads. One thing I have thought about could be to get in a position of power and use that power to spread peaces. For instance the position of president could be a very helpful one. The president could tell other countries that we need to exchange this era of war and division for an era of peace and friendship. As a leader one could help to instill upon the hearts of others that violence and war have not really helps the world in anyway, sure it has gained things like land and wealth but it has made the reward bitter. A way to bring about peace would take a lot of negotiation. Speaking to the overly rich and persuading them to share actually persuading everybody to give up their greedy ways just for the sake of the world. This all sound cheesy, I know this, but this is only because the world doesn’t want to listen to the truth or any good ideas.

Anonymous said...

I’m not really a passionate person. I do not really believe in change in the world either. The world we live in is a selfish place, and nobody cares about anything but himself or herself, like me for instance. Others can try to “change the world” but that is their choice, and I’m not going to either agree or disagree with it. I feel as if they can do what they want.

Emily D. Metro

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody. This is a cool class!!

Anonymous said...

In class, we were asked to write about what we are passionate about. We were also asked if we wanted change around us, and what we could do to see that change.

I wrote that I’m not really passionate about anything in particular at this point in my life. The things I would consider myself passionate about are things that I can’t change. You can’t make things happen, they either do or they don’t (in most cases).

Anonymous said...

Sometimes in today’s society, the youth do not get a say in what happens, usually the adults choose for us. One way I showed my thoughts, ideas and opinions was through the 2012 youth commission. During the meeting, teens from all over Franklin County came to Metro to share their ideas for change in Columbus. I took part in this meeting; I volunteered to help coordinate people and help with the media, which was a lot of fun. I think programs like these help teen express their opinions and share their voice with the rest of the world. Its really important that everyone, not just adults, have a chance to contribute their ideas and have a say, especially when it affects where and how they live. Expressing ideas from all walks of life brings about change for the better, and that is important in every society.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about the need for a better government, more farmlands and better animal rights. I would like to see the dependency on oil foreign or domestic be a thing of the past before I die. What I can do to support this is to support groups that are looking into alternative fuel options and who are trying to convince our nations leaders to do the same. Since I am not of voting age though and since I do not possess large sums of lump cash I will have to wait until I am 18 or older to most likely to do any good.
Michael Swenson

Anonymous said...

What are you passionate about? What would you like to see change in the world around you and what can you do to enact and/or support that change?
I am passionate about computers and programming, specifically for Apple. Although, lately, I’m not so happy about the whole “kill switch” that they have been using a little inordinately. And frankly, who wants to spend three months on a killer application for the iPhone/iPod touch then have it shutdown without a moments notice and no good reason other than, “Oh well. Better luck next time!”. I would like to see this trend in apple, trend meaning not only this over controlling the developer community but the steady loss of the true computer user and moving towards the everyday average consumer who just wants an iPhone cause its cool, not because of what it can be used for.

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about sports”, playing them and watching them. It’s one of my favorite things to do. I have lots of fun while playing them. I would like to see kids around me be less stressed about school, and to have more fun. ”You can only be a kid once”.
For me to support it I have to help kids be less stressed, and to hopefully not be worried about school. I can tell teachers my opinion about assignments if they are not fair and or just. I could make a study/project group to make schoolwork go a lot faster. I want to see kids have more fun by doing things like playing sports, other than being stressed about school.
-Nathan R.C. (The Metro School)

Anonymous said...

Some of the things I’m passionate about include being with my friends, thinking by myself, and trying to learn more about spiritual things. But then there are other things I’m passionate about that I realize aren’t even important: playing and watching sports, and making sure other people like me.
One thing that I would like to see change in the world is the attitude towards truth. It seems like no one believes that there is such thing as absolute truth anymore. This disappoints me, because I want everyone to see what is actually true about the world so that they don’t waste their life following lies. Also, I’d like to see more peace between people. To help make this happen, I could try to make friends with people from all ethnicities, genders, and personalities.
I try to tell my opinions to my peers, and encourage them to say what they think even if it contradicts my opinion. I think it’s important to talk to my friends about important issues such as religion; however, often I am afraid to start a conversation like this because the topic can be controversial and uncomfortable. My parents are the main adults in my life to whom I declare my opinions and ideas. I am not afraid of what they think of me as much as other adults. I’m most comfortable saying my thoughts to my parents because I know that what I say isn’t going to ruin our relationship. If my parents disagree with my ideas, they are still going to love me just the same.
-Andrew B. (Metro)

Anonymous said...

I am passionate about ending world hunger, curing uncured diseases around the world, global climate change and word peace because there are the biggest issues throughout the world and the world would be in a better place if these four things occur. On my behalf I will not waste food and maybe join a local support group, I am planning to be a doctor and this is my main goal to travel around the world and cured diseases, I will recycle day to day plastic and paper I use and help promote world peace and join the movement.

Anonymous said...

I’m passionate about a lot of things in my life. The three main things I am passionate about are my family, my friends, and sports. These three make up most of my daily life and without them I’m a turtle without its shell. And what I’ve noticed in the world we live in is that people don’t support the things they are passionate about or have feelings for. I think that people need to be more involved in their communities, social lives and help support the people, activities, etc. that they love being with or love to do.

Anonymous said...

I cant really say i'm passionate about anything. I guess i'm passionate about politics, music, art, and Martial Arts. I don't play an instrument, but i'd like to. I really love to listen to new sounds and discuss and listen to music with my friends. I love to do anything creative when it comes to art. I love to draw, paint and design things. For politics i just really want this country to do well in the future and i stand by all my different arguments. I love to debate politics and other things i'm passionate about about, like philosophy, religions, and many other things. Muay Thai is like kick boxing. It is the greatest sport in the world and it makes everything else boring. I wouldn't give this sport up for the world, and i wouldn't change a thing. These are the things i'm passionate about!!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of Blackbeard, or Peg Leg Joe? How about Stainless Steve or Sam the “Butcher”? All were pirates. And that, dearest reader, is what I’m passionate about. While all pirates didn’t have fancy alliteration and cool guns and knives, all had disrespect for authority that I can identify with, and a way of life that sounds fantastic and adventurous.
I’m not talking about fake pirates like Johnny Depp and Legolas like to pretend to be on a Disney budget, I’m talking about the real thing. Even though they have been decreasing in number, this is because it’s fairly hard to fight oppressors with machine guns with a cutlass.
While everyone is concerned with America’s education and arts, politics and energy sources, no one is turning back in history to find an answer. And, pirates certainly help the environment, using renewable and natural resources such as cotton, timber, and of course, wind. Also, a pirate’s life is also an active, physically demanding one. With more American pirates, our rate of obese Americans would drop considerably.
And what does America need now, of all times? Plenty of discounted imports to supply lower and middle class can afford to buy. With an easier time for the lower and middle class, and still maintain the tax breaks for the wealthy. Combined with alternate fuel, a step towards more pirating makes the world a little “greener” for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I really think that people should have no reason to use mockery or violence to make a point. A couple of weeks ago, one of the coaches for a sport I'm in made fun of a kid because he wasn't paying attention. That really made me angry. I told him what i thought of this, and he apologized. I really think the mental attitude of many Americans needs changed.

Ghandi once said to "be the change you want to see in the world." I've been trying to make sure that I follow the guidelines I expect others to follow. Just the other day, I vowed not to make fun of one of my friends, even though it didn't bother him because he knew I was joking.

-Lauren, Metro

Anonymous said...

Wait, is this Captain H the captain of the SHIMMY??

Whoa! I've always wanted to meet him in person!

A fellow pirate friend

Anonymous said...

why yes, it is.
But you don't want to meet me, i don't bathe. Also, I stab first and ask questions later. It is difficult for me to meet new people, because i usually steal and take advantage of them.
At least this seems to be the general consensus.

Anonymous said...

Oh. That's unfortunate. I understand that pirates have poor hygiene, but I am passionate about civil rights and the power of words over violence. I don't think we can be friends anymore Capn H.

-A once pirate friend

Anonymous said...

there is nothing more sorrowful then a friendship gone wrong, especially when you have such few chances to make them.
Out on the lonely sea, it is nice to have a companion. When you watch the sun set over the seemingly endless horizon, its nice to know that someone is out there. Someone who cares.
I won't pretend that this doesn't hurt, but i will get over it. It is a common fate among pirates. If it must be, it must be. stay strong, and fight for what you believe in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the PAGES program and Wexner staff for making our trip a success yesterday. We cannot wait to work with Mim next week.

Anonymous said...

I guess you could say that loyalty was shown by sticking through and voting for Cynthia for so long. I noticed that many times in the film Cynthia sort of had the "short end of the straw" and many times it looked like she wasn't going to have a seat in congress very long at all, but she stuck with the real issues about equal voting rights. I can honestly say that if the republicans didn't form a group and bribe each other to vote against her in the election, she would still have a seat here today. Also conflicts rose when the media portrayed her in a negative fashion. They use the simple "..." to leave out a whole comment and make he seem like a conspirator against Bush. I feel that those who started out loyal to her remained loyal, not just to her but to her foundation. What she stands for. Of course the election doesn't agree with me, but because of a group who schemed and bribed to get her out of office

Anonymous said...

Cynthia's individual power or authority was evaporating. It seemed like she didn't have enough respect and power at times to voice her opinions and actually make a difference. What was astounding is the fact that even though she was under the authority of the entire congress who was willing to just let "listen" to her complaints, she still made her point apparent, and she demanded an answer or an act of change. Even though she had very little political power compared to the rest of the congress, she still had her natural power, something that we were all given, our rights, She used her rights for all the were worth because it was one of the few things she had as a voice. To me, the act of using your rights to their fullest to change something that you believe is wrong is an act of justification in itself. Yes, I believe Cynthia was truly patriotic.

dragonlord67 said...

Well, whatever the case, it's a definate fact that Mimi's classes aren't going to be boring. I've only had one class with her, so I'm pretty new to the whole experience, but the one that I have had was phenominal.

Anonymous said...

i liked the visit to the wexner center. i thought it was exciting, and i learned a lot about the voting during 'american blackout'.

dragonlord67 said...

Well, whatever the case, it looks like classes with Mimi are going to be very interesting. I'm very interested in thinking critically, philosophically or otherwise. Should be fun!

alana nicole said...

I like the way the movie moved me. The way it brought the history to back to live for me to again see the way people acted when they weren't able to vote in the election.

Anonymous said...

I liked that this movie really got me involved and made me want to go out there and do something. The fact that the republican party was so underhanded, it really made me not want to trust the government.

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was interesting. it really got me thinking about how the gov. is cheating American citizens out of there votes to win elections. the sad thing is there getting away with it but for the most part pages is pretty cool - Jess

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed the trip to the wexner center. it was nice to see all the different things, and to get out of school for a while. also, i learned a lot from the american blackout film.
~kim m.

Anonymous said...

I like the way that the movie made you feel about Bush and his stupid shenanigans. Other then that it was a good movie thing. :)

Titus@TCS said...

I think that it is really cool to be a part of the pages group. I think that it is a very unique and interesting program. I look forward to seeing the finished product all of our hard work.

M.Seffrin said...

The movie "American Blackout" was very interesting. It showed what people will do just to get people not to vote so that the other comes out on top. I thought it was wrong how people were treated and how their rights were taken away.

Anonymous said...

I think nick at metro made a good point,that there isn't peace in the world but it doesn't affect him. But did you ever think about how you influence people around you? you could make a change with that.

alana nicole said...

i really liked the movie. I appreciate the fact that i was chosen to be in this program this year.

~Tiffany~ said...

I think the movie was really interesting and good,when i was taking notes i had so much to say. I actually wrote four pages of info. and facts. I like to view movies like this becasue they really do open you mind to whats going on...

Anonymous said...

I felt the "American Black out" film was an out loud way of saying what people need to hear. People need to see the type of antics that go on in our society. The sad thing is these things happen all the time bur are silenced. it was very educational, and mire in depth eye opening piece of work.

Anonymous said...

emily, how did this english teacher help you exactly? he sounds like a cool person. or at least cooler my my english teacher from last year...

M.Seffrin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i loved the movie American Blackout. they should show things like this all the time because it gets the young people motivated. if you view something like this then after awhile, you will lose your motivation to do something to change the situation and will give up and mark it as unimportant in our minds.

Anonymous said...

This week we had expedition week it was the first time that we had a one subject based expedition. I was in the polling group we went around to to ask random people people before the election who they were voting for on the day of the election and the day before to see who people voted for as far as for presidency and some of the issues.I think that this was w great week.

Anonymous said...

This week our school didn't have regular classes. Instead we had an expedition week. Expedtion week is when our whole school goes out in the field(different sites)and do work there. The group I was in was the polling group and we went downtown and went to the Statehouse and gave peole polls about the election. Then we went to a recreation center and as people were leaving the rec center we were giving people our surveys. Then at the end of the week all of the classes did research project.

Anonymous said...

this week and last week we had an Expedition at The Charles School. In my group we went to habitat for humanity and volunteered. We stocked shelves, reorganized isles, and everything else u could think of. Volunteering i realized is one of the greatest things u could think of because we make a world of difference. i enjoyed helping them in every possible wast that i could.

Anonymous said...

I just finished up a week long election themed class at my school. We looked at the different candidates and the issues. The class I was in focused on the media and had to get the news of what the other groups were doing. I found the entire experience to be very interesting. It allowed us to gain a different perspective on what was going on.

Anonymous said...

During the last 5 school days at the Charles School every student in the school spent the entire day talking about politics and the election. we had a choice of nine different groups we could be in i chose to participate in the polling group. It was very informative but was very slow and drawn out. we did spend a lot of time down town taking poles.


Anonymous said...

Hey, well yeah. Im a student from the charles school at ohio dominican university and we went to the american blackout screening at the wexner center about 3 weeks ago. During the last week of the election, we had an election expedition at our school. What we did was like watch the process of the election and did work on it, it was fun, and we had no like academic classes that week, but we still got a grade. And if we wanted to we could even stay after school and watch the election and see who wins. Both of the candidates had a great chance of winning. im just glad that change will come [hopefully], some of the groups [whatever you chose] went out into the feild like to OSU campus and the state house. I was in the Political advertising class. In that class we got to make T-Shirts, buttons, tv commercials, bumper stickers, radio commercials or whatever type of advertisment we wanted to do. That week really taught me alot, and now i better understand how elections work. It was a great experience, and i wouldnt mind doing it again!

Anonymous said...

Our school had a week off of the regular school schedual called Expedition week, where groups of students get distribute into 9 groups, to focus of a pacific topic or subject. We get to go off of school perimeters and explore around. My group was called political advertising. Yea it might sound boring but it was actually a lot of fun. We got to leave school and go to OSU campus, get into 3 groups of like 3 or 4 maybe 5, and we had to act! When i say act, i mean get into a fake argument and see if people around campus would stop in to listen, or come up to talk to you about who they wanted to vote for (if they hadn't already). It was a lot of fun, and I would love to do it again. Plus I got invited to a Frat Party!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so we had expeditions at our school for the past week. The topic was elections. I was put in the media group, where we covered diiferent groups and went to various places toi see what they learned or did during an election. I thoght it vwas fun Sometimes it got hard (we had to write a lot of stories) but I got it all done. I learned a lot from this experience as well. If you want to know more, feel free to ask!!!

Anonymous said...

My school had election expedition week. i had political advertisement class which we looked at different political advertisement for Barack Obama or John McCain. We had to do a project by the end of the week and presentation. We had to do ads for which candidates we choice. the ads we had to do were commercial or radio, and some other type of other ad we choice. The class was really fun. My field experiences there was good. On last Thursday we went out to the city and count each political advertisement. On Monday we went to OSU campus and we had to have a argument about the candidate we liked and see if anyone one joined or see how people react.