Welcome to Pages 2007-08. The Pages program pairs literacy and writing with the exploration of contemporary art, film, and the performing arts. This interdisciplinary multi-visit program will offer challenging contemporary arts experiences coupled with in-depth writing opportunities. Each of you will have multiple opportunities throughout the year to discuss, document and respond in writing thoughts, observations, and opinions of what you’ve gained from your experiences at the Wexner Center for the Arts. I hope you're ready because we have an exciting year ahead.
I want to invite you to use this blog as a forum for discussion with other students about the Pages experience this year. We will use this blog to have discussions with the writers, artists, and other students involved with Pages. This forum gives you an opportunity to meet other students and keep in touch while going through this experience together.
I ask that you use this forum responsibly. Please respect any opinions and comments posted on this blog. This is a positive forum to discuss ideas and be a part of a learning community outside of your school. Again, please use this tool responsibly and most of all have fun!
Again welcome and I look forward to meeting and working with each of you.
Dionne Custer
Educator, School Programs
Wexner Center for the Arts