I hope you all enjoyed the Spectropia performance, the Q &A with the artist, and our discussion afterward.
Let's continue the discussion and move into your writing assignment.
Start off by posting what you wrote in your journals as an immediate response or reaction to the experience-and let's all respond to those responses! Then share a list of those emotions that the Spectropia experience evoked in you, and why you think you felt them-we all want to know!
Start thinking (if you haven't already) about your main piece of writng. Will it be fiction or creative nonfiction? Will it be an extension of the Spectropia storyline? Whose perspective will you tell it from- yours? Spectropia? William, Sally the bubble dancer? Toni Dove, the artist? The duck? Spectropia's father? Be creative and share your ideas with your new writing buddies-you shared the same experience, so that gives you the perfect opportunity to learn from each other!
P.S. What you write on the blog will be good material for your first draft...
Any questions? Start posting them!
Joan DeMartin, your writing teacher from the Wexner Center